Chicken AlfredOops

Tonight, for no particular reason, I got a craving for chicken and pasta with Alfredo sauce.  I viewed the available recipe choices at, and selected the one that looked best (recipe).

Of course, I don’t keep whipping cream on hand.  Just not part of my everyday wants and needs.  So, I consult the Joy of Cooking for an appropriate substitution.  1/3 c butter + 3/4 cup milk = 1 cup heavy cream.

Great.  Start melting the extra butter.  Get out the milk.  Ok, get out the Parmesan chee…  That container looks pretty empty.  Yep, that’s really all that is left in the house.  Now, I can substitute Parmesan for Romano.  I can substitute butter and milk for heavy cream.  I have no idea what to substitute for Parmesan cheese.

So, I turned off the melting butter, continued sauteing the chicken, opened a jar of red sauce, and had Chicken Parmesan.

What do I do with a leftover stick of melted butter?


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